Natural Park Baning
8:49 AM
Nature Park Baning somewhat special because it is the only natural tropical forests in Indonesia are located in the middle of town. This area is covered by thousands of large trees and a rich variety of flora and fauna scarcity. Thus, in addition to being an attractive tourist places, this area can also be a place of research on the biological wealth for scientists, students, students, and even the general public
The air is cool and fresh, lush trees and green, as well as a wide ditingkahi by the chirp of birds, making the park Nature Baning aptly chosen as a fun outdoor recreation with family or colleagues
In this area, there are a variety of rare flora, such as ramin (gonystilur bancanus sp), jelutung (diera lawii), resam (glyhenis linearis), Rengas (Gluta renghas sp), Medang (firm Litsea sp), mentibu (dacty locladusstenos), perepat (cambreto Carpus rotundatus), bintangor (callophyllum inophylum), Pulai (Alstonia schoolaris), kempilik (quercus sp), tamang birds (eugenia sp), semar bags, and black orchid.
Various rare fauna, such as the kingfisher (Halycon smyrnemsis), monitor lizards (Varanus salvator), pigeon (tretron vernaris), parrots (gracula religiosa), cucakrawa (pycnonatus zeylandicus), ferret water (cynogale bennetti), ground squirrels (larisous insignis), flying squirrels (peraurista elegans), sailors, and various species of birds, further strengthens how special this area.
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